Here are some more views of charming Greenwich. We have too many pictures for just one post!
*** We REALLY really do love it there! ***
The Painted Hall and the other old Royal Naval College buildings were erected over 300 years ago, as the Greenwich Hospital, a home for Naval Veterans. Architect Christopher Wren had his first design (a square) canceled by the Queen--Her Majesty said that she required seeing her ships at the landing. (The picture above) Wren, fearing the Queen would change her mind again, had all the foundations constructed at once, so that the she couldn't change the project a second time.
The Hospital became the Royal Naval College in 1873 and that lasted for 125 years. Now, the buildings are open to the public as well as a part of the two present-day universities that are in Greenwicih.
(Even before the Hospital was built, Greenwich Palace stood on the site. It was home to some of the Tudor rulers.)
Here are some pictures of the Painted Room -- the Dining Hall for the Greenwich Naval Hospital: