These are scenes from the Borough Market, near London Bridge. It's a fun altrnative to the two supermarkets where we shop and we're close enough to bring food home on the train. The Market is open Thursday through Sunday and features fresh food directly from the growers.
On the right are pictures of Bill shopping in one of the stalls.
Can't believe we didn't get pictures of the veggie stands. They are beautiful and stuff is delicious. Too busy buying I guess.
Geoff put this comment on the blog earlier (back in the archives now). It's so appropriate that we're copying it here in case you missed it: (And adding pictues.)
I'm posting a list of awesome british food that I hope you'll try before your return. Why there aren't British restaurants on every corner I'll never know!
Black Pudding
Scotch Pies
Yorkshire Pudding
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Cornish Pasties
Bubble and Squeak
Spotted Dick
Toad In the Hole
Scotch eggs
I'm pretty sure we won't be trying the Black Pudding -- it's featured on a lot of breakfast menus, though. Weetabix is just a brand of shredded wheat. Bubble and Squeak is like fried mashed potato cake with cabbage grated in. It's not too bad -- the little cafe (pronounced KAFF) where we've had breakfast a few times serves it. It's better than the British hashbrowns.
Pasties are small stuffed meat pies to be eaten out of hand. The word is pronounced with a short a -- and they taste like a word you'll think of that patsy/pasty rhymes with. We tried them sort of by mistake and once was enough.
We're still working on the rest of the list-- or not. Meanwhile -- London is a cosmopolitan city. Almost everything we want is available in the supermarkets. Just like when we travel in the states, there's more of some things and less of others. They like beans here -- as in canned baked type. These are served with every breakfast, unless you ask for tomahtoes instead.
Pasties: Hot Pockets! (it's all in the marketing).
I notice as you went down the list that you decided to not touch the spotted dick. I mean, oops, um, never mind.
How about eels? Have you had eels yet?
Posted by: Geoff | July 02, 2007 at 08:46 PM