Here are a couple of other visits to the borough of Greenwich.
This picture is taken from one of the Greenwich short-hop boats as we are we approaching the famous Thames Barrier.
The Barrier:
Woolich is the district where we went to see the bike race early in July. It's about 10 miles from Greenwich and on the river across from the Docklands area. The Royal Arsenal, where all of the cannons and arms for the British Army were made over the years, was located here.
The Arsenal Buildings, which once housed smithies and armourers shops are now opened as a museum. The sundial on the gate to Dial Square dates from 1764.
Most of the workers were women. Thousands of them were employed here right up to the 1970's.
Woolich was also home to one of England's major Pro Football Clubs, the Arsenal, which started here in 1889. The name is still the same, but the team is no longer in Woolich.