November 14, 2009



Was This in Eugene Oregon?


Ah, now I understand, Sallie. Super photos of the Fern Ridge [reservoir] no-Lake. Must be fascinating to watch it drain. And I agree, there is an eerie beauty to the drained reservoir and I am among those who'd go out for a walk there... although not in bare feet; I get a creepy feeling walking in mud.


Once, again, an awesome post and great photos!! You rock!

Quasi Serendipita

Those pictures are lovely :)


I found this post via BPOTW. I enjoyed seeing all of the photos of Fern Ridge Resevoir!

I used to live in Eugene, and loved seeing Fern Ridge as we drove by on our trips to the coast. Now we live closer to Salem. It's always fun to find a fellow Oregonian online!

J Bar

Great scenery.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Chatty Crone

Okay, so they let it out - snow falls and when it melts - it fills up again?

Sallie (FullTime-Life)

I'm glad y'all enjoyed visiting our muddy view!

The engineers who are in charge of draining it use long-term weather forecasts (predicted snowfall in the mountains etc) to guess how much water to let out and how fast -- and so there is kind of an art involved on their part, because they can't know for sure. But they are quite accurate. It's always been full in the summer as far as I know.

Some people do muck around out there once the Lake is drained. And I still might, just for the fun of saying I did it. There are signs posted around the edges here and there saying that it's actually against the Antiquities Law to collect Indian artifacts from the area.

Margot  at Joyfully Retired

This was a very interesting post. I'm not familiar with Fern Ridge Lake and wasn't aware the COE would drain an area so completely. It makes for some interesting photos however.


This was a very interesting post. I'd want to put on a pair of rubber boots or throw-away shoes and walk around in that muck and look for treasures.


That's definitely a different view. So there must be enough rain for the lake to recover each year? I had no idea they drained them so low.
You caught a nice sky reflection in that big puddle.

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations

Amazing transformation when the water recedes. All the views are wonderful. I've shared some photos from my sister this week.
Hugs and blessings,


Personally I prefer seeing a lake with water but being a birder I love seeing the different birds that the mudflats attract.
Interesting post and photos.


Your pictures are great. It is so nice to see different scenes in the world. Maybe you want to see my pictures of my scenes?

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