January 02, 2010



Hi Sallie,
The library was always a favorite place for me - public, school, I just loved being among the books. One of my favorite teaching jobs was being the school librarian for nine weeks while the regular librarian was on maternity leave.
I used to read books fairly fast but I tend to fall asleep these days - LOL!
Good luck on the challenge. I'll be watching for some good reviews.
Happy New Year wishes to you and yours!

Chatty Crone

We use the library constantly. Also once a year our library has a sale to get rid of there old books. On Sunday of the sale it is $10 a box (any size)for all the books you can put in it. My box this year held 150 and I'm still reading!



Hi Sallie...

So happy that you could join us for Sunday Favorites this week, my friend...this was a great post! I especially enjoyed seeing the new Cool House library in Seattle...it's very fancy! Hehe! It sounds like a great place that you could just go and get lost in...spend the entire day just browsing, reading, and drinking lattes! Hehe! I would love that!!! Since I live in a very small rural community, our library is fairly small but one of my best friends is the librarian so she can get me almost any book that I would like! That's great!!! I had never stopped to think about what those who travel...such as yourselves...do for library books! It's so nice that so many are willing to work with you! There's just nothing like a good book for a little R&R!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this great post with us today for Sunday Favorites! I loved seeing the new Seattle library!!! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas! Sending you my warmest wishes and blessings for a fabulous new year! I'm really looking forward to 2010 and all that it holds for us here in Blogland!!!

Chari @Happy To Design


Libraries rock!


That library is so unusual looking. I haven't seen it, but my husband has been there. Good luck with the challenge (and thanks for linking to my blog)!


Thanks for visiting my blog! This is a fun post. We love libraries, even if I don't need a book to read at the moment (plenty to get through on our own shelves at home.) But that's one thing about traveling, it's always nice to know there are libraries to visit, which we enjoy doing.

Margot  at Joyfully Retired

I'm so glad you joined this challenge. I'm also glad you ran this library post again as I missed it the first time around. That Seattle library is amazing. I'd like to make a trip there just to see the library. I'm in agreement with you on the ambiance of libraries. We've also been pleased at our ability to use local libraries while on the road. Otherwise it's too expensive for one thing and books take up a lot of valuable space in an RV.

Lori E

Too funny, your comment came in right when I was posting mine on your site.

Lori E

I too love being in a library. I go to our nearest archives to do genealogy research. I bought my laptop specifically to do research there and can you believe they don't have wireless internet? I know! I was stunned.
Where could you use it more than in a research library where you have to update your work constantly and every discovery sends you down a new research path.
I didn't know you could get a visitors card. I would just travel with a huge stack from my own library.

Quasi Serendipita

That library looks amazing! I love libraries and could happily let time roll on by whilst curled up in a library chair with a book!

Lady Fi

That is an amazing looking library! Enjoy your reading.

J. Kaye

Welcome to the Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge. This is going to be a fun reading year. Happy New Year!!

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