January 06, 2010


Chatty Crone

Cute blog - but you are rubbing it in. Georgia - 32 degrees and 1/2 inch of snow. Schools were closed and life as we know it has changed for a day. We are on all hills and valleys where I live. So if it starts to melt in the day - it freezes at night and becomes a sheet of ice! We just stay put!


Peter Rainville

I wish it was 50 Here. Our waterhose is frozen solid.
Ryan's Critters are in a "State of Suspended Living".
On the plus side it is too cold to finish scraping the old
paint on the exterior of the house.
Talk to you soon


Great blog, great life.

Sallie (FullTime-Life)

How cool is it that I'm responding to three comments from three of our favorite places!

Krystal: today FL/OR the numbers are reversed! I had to jump in and gloat while I could.

QS: Actually Oregon is a lot like that -- when we do get snow and ice (rarely) everything goes totally to pieces. Unlike Colordo and other places that know how to handle it because of regular experience.

Geoff: BRRRR! Altho by the time you read this it probably IS warm again.


Longmont was 47 degrees and brilliant sun on Tuesday. Yesterday it snowed (must have been after you saw the sun icon on your report). Today it was MINUS 20 on my drive to work. High of 9 expected. But it'll be warm again by Sunday.

Quasi Serendipita

Lucky you! It's really cold in London, there's snow on the ground and more coming apparently (London is not good at snow)!


I'd rub it in too! ;o I'm glad it is "warmish" there, because it sure isn't here!

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