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March 18, 2010


Small Reflections

Wow ... that's a LOT of rain!!!
Glad you're back online. I hate being without Internet access though it DOES eat up more of my 'reading' time than I'd care to admit.
Hugs and blessings,


I like this action photo, that is quite a puddle.

Lady Fi

WOW! That photo of the car in the puddle is great! Welcome back.


Love that description of the computer without internet as "a big old electric solitaire machine" :-) How true!

Margot  at Joyfully Retired

I know what you mean about being in withdrawal if you can't get regular internet access. Glad you have it all sorted out now. Sounds like you are enjoying your new place.

Chatty Crone

Glad you are back and hope there is some sun for you there.

So how long do you stay there?

Glad you got your computer to work.


Quasi Serendipita

Welcome back! I hope the weather sorts itself out for you :)

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