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March 12, 2011


Nike Blazer

LOVE flowers...just couldnt live without them..I guess the answer for you is container gardens


what a lovely flowers.


that collage is amazing!
I enjoy the garden center too


I LOVE flowers...just couldnt live without them..I guess the answer for you is container gardens. Here I have plenty of space but the soil is SO poor it grows very litte--leached by old cotton growing then topped off by timber pine that does not noursih the soil...if I get one flower I drool over it till it fades-
I love that collage great presentation of the flowers!!


ooooh so pretty. I have at last successfully kept alive 4 pots of African Violets. At least without a garden you are saving your back. Mine is on the way out.

Rita aka Cashjocky

What a delight. I needed the eye candy right about now. As you will see when you visit my post on todays weather.

Martha Z

Those African Violets would probably travel ok but I know how little room ther is in the Roadtrek. It is hard enough to store what we need.


beautiful, and so springlike - most welcome this time of year. Interesting, isn't it, how we get attached to the flora and fauna of a place? I still miss my wrens from back in Virginia.


The daffodil I posted was the first spring bloom I've seen. It was near the river where it's a little warmer. There is nothing in my yard yet.
May I ask how you made that collage of snapshots? A great way to not post a lot of pictures.

Inger-Marie Sæverud

Lovely flowers!


Geez! The violets and purples are overflowing with beauty! What a great variety. Some of our gardens here charge entrance fee, and I always ask permission to take photos.

Just visited two gardens today....




I like these african violets particullary the lilac-purple ones with white edges !
I have two pots of them at home, but they are violet, and another little pot : the leaves are wavy !


P.S. It's 07-00 Sunday, in UK.


A lovely splash of colour! We had a few dry, sunny days and now it's dull and wet again! I'm waiting to see if a few large shrubs show any sign of buds after our severest winter ever.

Lady Fi

I love African violets and the way they bring a hint of exotic colour into my world. Great photos! Nice to see some colour and flowers...

Mike B.

One flower we DO have right now is trillium! They're just starting to show.


Fabulous flower fix; lovely photos all of them. The African Violets remind me of my grandmother who used have them in pots on her windowsill - I can't imagine having them grow wild. It must be a beautiful sight.


I love violets though I don't have any indoors right now. They take a little too much TLC for my haphazard schedule. My Mother had a "green thumb" and violets were a specialty. I was embarrasses as a child because she would "pinch" (in both senses of the word) a leaf when we visited greenhouses and propagate a plant from it.


Just the thing to look at on a cool dreary day. I like the way you did the montage. (I hope that's the right word for all those pictures put together.)

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