June 25, 2011



I've just been catching up on your posts about your road trip. Sounds like you are having a great time and seeing some fantastic scenery. That canyon is beautiful - and very grand!

Joe Todd

What a great place to visit.. Where is your artist easel??? I'll bet you are pretty good


Wonderful scenic photos, Sallie! I've never even heard of this park and canyon. Thanks for sharing.


Beautiful images of a stunning landscape Sallie.
My son Craig got married in March but they have delayed their honeymoon until later this year when they fly out to Vegas.
The Grand Canyon is on their agenda... I am so jealous.


I have been catching up with your posts, Sallie, - we are busy getting ready to move here, so I am behind all over! Stunning pictures of the canyon, and thank you for the geological history. which always intrigues me. Good to hear of the wonderful time you had with your daughter and son-in-law, - nothing like family!!
Happy travels....


Wow, your shots are amazing.. and so are those heights.
37 National parks at your young age, I'm a tad jealous, Sallie.
Thanks for sharing your north-westward journey.. glad you arrived safely in Oregon.

be well, be happy

Lady Fi

What a gorgeous place!


I've been trying to remember if we've visited this park, If we did it's been over 40 years. So many wonderful places to visit we would have to be full time RVers to seem even most of them. I don't think it is possible to see them all.


Breathtaking is the perfect description. Having seen your photos, I'd love to visit this place.


Beautiful shots ! The last one looks like The great Colorado Canyon!


i just want to feel those rocks. don't you know they can tell stories...


Stunning photos and detail!

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