October 03, 2011


Jackie from Yorkshire, UK

Treadmill...forget it, they are boring. I'd much rather take pictures of weeds than walk a treadmill. Love that shy little deer peeking through the branches, and those tall trees..


A treadmill in your RV ! Difficult ! And you'll not have, the fresh air, and the bird's songs !


Since I started blogging and taking photos, I walk much more, see far more and go out more than in the past, lol ! Apparently it is a healthy hobby, lol ! I never go out without my camera, now.


Oh, my, I know the feeling. What a wonderful new world opens up with a camera and a blog. I have even been known to take mine when I go out to get the mail. tee hee
How wonderful it is to see your rolling home and oh the places you have been (sounds like Dr. Suess, doesn't it?). Have you ever zoomed way in on the Queen Anne's Lace? Try it. There should be a red dot on them, said to be from Anne's finger bringing pricked. It brings attracts the pollinators.


I know exactly what you mean...I get sidetracked and hardly get a good clip going!! BUT its all good we are enjoying your photos along with you..So keep up the good work and the walking!!


Or may be you need to ditch your camera but if you do, I'll probably walk across the ocean and strangle you since I would miss all those wonderful things that catch your attention.
I do the same thing, only I cart my 300mm lens with me which is too heavy for me so I stop a lot more for the inevitable photo op.
Thanks for your kind comment earlier.

Clair Z.

I agree with Sylvia about the joys of photography. I look at the world more closely, it seems, when I am carrying a camera. Your photos are lovely, Sallie. Keep walking outside--never mind that treadmill. You know they always end up holding clothes and getting dusty!


I'm the same way, forever stopping to take pictures. A treadmill might help, but it would be so boring compared to seeing the beauty outside. Love your pictures!

Carol (artmusedog)

Wonderful photos and so informative! ~thanks, namaste, Carol, (A Creative Harbor) linked up with Our World Tuesday)

Joe Todd

I've heard it said Golf is a good walk ruined by a small white ball LOl.. Have a great week


I'm the same way about taking a lot of photographs when I'm walking. Great shots. I love seeing the deer you photographed.


No, no, a treadmill defeats the objective: you need air to exercise :-)
Love the weeds too. Pearly everlasting?

Boom & Gary

But weeds are really forest wildflowers and require no tending, and they're pretty!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.


That is just wonderful, and so true! How did you do those cool arrangements of photos?


I love your interrupted walks. The flowers and birds are a treat to see. I am always checking everything out along the trails and my walks. Have a great day!


laughing out loud here!!! too cute!!!


Lovely collages of where you spent your summer!


Funny, Sallie! Does that RV have a rose bed in front of it? I see you were communicating with a 4-legged friend, too. Keep walking!

Sylvia Kirkwood

Ah, we do have fun, don't we, Sallie! What on earth did I do for fun before I discovered photography???? And there are new joys to be seen, somewhere, everyday, in all of our worlds, I guess! Whatever, I love your photos for the day and what a fun look at your world! Hope you have a wonderful week -- exploring!! Oh, and never mind the treadmill!!


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