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October 12, 2011



Welcome to Barn Charm... so glad you came

When you say they haven't been able to negotiate a price, do you mean the owner is asking a high number? He was going to destroy it for nothing, so...

I hope County Historical Society can save it... I hate to see these old barns disappear! She's a beauty & may she live long...er! =)

Thank you so much for joining in & linking up to my Barn Charm party! =)


I love the sign - hope they can save that barn!

Madge @ The View From Right Here

That is simply delightful... makes me think if a traveling salesman...


The barn would make the place more appealing in my opinion! I sure would hate to see it torn down.


Oh, it must be a good quality paint to last that long.


A cheaper way of advertising. I hope they can save the barn.


The painting on the barn is very distinct, It doesn't look 100 years old. Maybe someone should check on the paint product. Interesting post.

Jenn Jilks

I love these. I did a post on signage onceuponatime.
I do love your blog. Cheers from Cottage Country!


What a great barn sign! My Mom used "liver pills" back in the day.


I find these old painted signs so very cool. I can only remind me of one around here, not on a wooden barn (we don't have them here), but on a factory bilding.


That's a great advertisement. I doubt the product was as good as the sign, though!

NatureFootstep Photography

looks great. :)

You are welcome to NF Waters.. :)

Luna Miranda

pretty soon there would be a Starbucks here. can't stop progress as some would say.


It really does warm my heart when folk get together to try to save historical places. That is what happened here with out drive in, and now we get to go every weekend to sit under the sky and its stars to watch our favorite movies.Hope they are able to talk the owner out of destroying the old barn. It has lots of good years left in it. genie


Oh, I do hope it can be saved. Cases like these usually boil down to money, sad to say. It is a piece of the area's history, Sallie. Wouldn't it make a great antique mall? Sigh

I love your moon in the next post. I do remember that March moon.


That's an interesting slice of history. I'm surprised that demolishing the barn would make the property easier to sell. That's a shame.

Abraham Lincoln

If it is like most things "old" then it will fade away and nobody will remember it.


I think it would be a pity to demolish this barn ! It looks so nice and is a sign of the past ! we have some buildings protected, even as an owner you are not allowed to do with it what you want ! Especially when it is so old !

Tinas Picstory

nice barn shot :)


Too bad about the barn. Hopefully something can be done.

J Bar

I hope it survives.

Inside Cambodia

That's the precursor to billboard advertising, lol. I love barn signs - they add charm to the place. I hope they save it,too.


I've enjoyed photographing barns for awhile now and from the looks of this one it seems in better shape than a lot I've seen. :)
I hope they save it. It would be a shame seeing how long it has been around.
Great capture Sallie and perfect for Barn Charm!

Thanks for the welcome back!

ann chin

I suppose the pallet is gone too.


That's too bad. I really like the barn and the signs. :)


OH darn...Hope they save the barn it has character!


can be a tourist attraction too!


Very good place to put and advertisement. Cool pellets huh! ^_^



What a shame that (in the article) guy is being so stubborn.
Looks like he has kept the paint fresh, so he must also like it.

EG Wow

I wonder what paint they used. The sign is still in great condition.


oh, what a great looking place!!! SO glad you're going to link it in to barn charm next monday! :)


That's a great sign and looks to be in good shape. Definitely a sign from a different time!

Gemma Wiseman

O that's a sad fate for this icon! You would think that heritage value would increase the property value!


Really nice sign. WE don't have this kind of signs around these parts.


How sad.....make way for progress, right! I wonder what were in the "pellets"? Yuk!


You don't see many of these around anymore, at least not on barns. I do see faded signs painted on buildings in small towns around California.


Americans always know how to make a buck. I'm sure someone will start selling memento pieces of the barn wood if it's demolished.

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