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August 15, 2012



The crows remind me of the cartoon characters Heckel and Jeckel, Sallie. Great shot.


Great capture, crows and all!

Rambling Woods

and somebody will still swim..LOL on the crows..you pegged it just right and they are smart birds...Michelle


Nice catch, seems like they forgot 'No swimming' ;)
The crows are hilarious!


WHy can't they makes some signs with things you CAN do? ;)
I think the crows are funny too. It looks like one of them is ready to poo on the sign. Guess he doesn't think much of the rules!

laura k

that's pretty hysterical!!
does NOT seem like a very HAPPY place to be!!
what the heck CAN you do there??
i hope you registered before you took that picture!!

haha...Andy...Heckle & Jeckyl...perfect!!


They forgot to add NO FUN allowed. I remember the crows from the cartoons. Heckle and Jeckle.


I hope they are registred, lol !


Love your take on the crows.


Hi Sallie,
Loved the sign reading crow - too cute!
Is this a public area. I'm thinking they could have sprung for a sign that didn't look hand done with a forgotten "No" in the margin. :)

Lindy MacDuff

Nothing gets past a crow. They're very observant *and* vocal! Lol!

Sally in WA

Oh YES, great shot, especially with the crows.


Nothing very positive about that sign, except the crows are a hoot.

Thanks for your kind words, Sallie.


Interesting! I loved the description, the crows look like they are doing a great job ;)

Luna Miranda

at least the crows are allowed.:p
NO is their favorite word.:p


I love the way the crows seem to be checking out the "No" sign.

Taken For Granted

The crows were trying to find out if the beach also banned crows, but they were in luck. Fine sign.

Sandy Carlson (USA)

No kids under 12? Kind of exclusive, that party! That is a funny sign with the birds on it. Maybe one is saying to the other, "Do you think they mean it?"


Great catch. Such a negative sign!
I was in PEI last week and had a wonderful time.


That is a great "NO" sign. The crows add the perfect touch.:)


Wow, so many NO's. Cute shot of the crows and sign, Sallie!

Pam :)

Sallie, his sign is hysterical.. including your description of what the birds are doing.


Yes the crows are perfect on top of that sigh. *Sigh* I remember the days when we made our own rules and got ourselves out of trouble without relying on someone to be there to help us!


Yes - Yogi - I agree!

After reading all the no-no's I'd just throw in the towel!

Love the crows, though!


Sounds to me like the old 50's song. No, no, no-no-no,,no no


laughing at your watchers. :)


Haha, that is too cute! Sure are a lot of NOs on that sign. Good thing it doesn't say NO CROWS. But that lookout crow is serious about his job.

Rita aka Cashjocky

You nailed the crows. Perfect description. But, I wonder how do the visitors register if there is no lifeguard on duty? Am I missing something? Since I live in a landlocked part of the country that has no beaches I must be out of touch with beach rules.

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