This sign is hanging behind the counter at the Fort Myers Yacht Basin (the City Marina).
Since we've been boating here in Florida, I've gotten pretty good at following these directions. Screaming and shouting came naturally (lots of previous practice), but believe me, running in circles isn't easy on a 23-foot boat! However, I try to do my part.
Linking to Lesley's SIGNS SIGNS. Click the links for the smiles!
Here are the real "Rules of the Road at Sea" . The verses were written as a memory aid for ship captains by Thomas Gray, when he was assistant secretary of the Maritime Department of the British Board of Trade. He served as its Secretary from 1869 to 1890.
Two Steam Ships meeting:
When both side-lights you see ahead —
Port your helm and show your RED.
Two Steam Ships passing:
GREEN to GREEN — or, RED to RED —
Perfect safety — go ahead!
Two Steam Ships crossing:
If to your starboard RED appear,
It is your duty to keep clear;
To act as judgment says is proper;
To Port — or Starboard — Back — or Stop her!
Both in safety and in doubt
Always keep a good look-out;
In danger, with no room to turn,
Ease her, Stop her, Go astern.
—Thomas Gray, Rule of the Road at Sea, 1867