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April 14, 2014



Very pretty! I have several cardinal couples living in my backyard. I love to watch the males picking up birdseed and feeding it to the females. They are so cute!


I would love to see a cardinal in the wild....


Great memories from childhood. The cardinal is the North Carolina State bird.

Kenneth C Schneider

We missed having cardinals when we lived in Central New Mexico, though they were present out in the eastern part of the state.


Great looking bird - we have bright red parrots around where we are staying - but they are very camera shy! I'll keep trying!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


What a great story about your mom! We used to get Christmas cards with cardinals, too, but I don't remember ever seeing any wild ones. Thanks for sharing.


so ein schöner Vogel Sallie

Danke für die Collage
mit einem LG vom katerchen


They are very beautiful, I have never seen one except maybe in a zoo !


What a delightfully gorgeous bird Sallie, it's a pity we never get to see them here in India.


I would get excited too! I really, really wish our part of the country had cardinals--I have always loved them!
Blessings, Aimee


What a pretty cardinal - they certainly are great-looking birds.


I love seeing cardinals and could never have too many


What a beauty! Wonderful photos!


such a nice way to commemorate your childhood memories with your mother's favorite bird in these shots... i think it's great you got to see one all those years later. have a great day~

Lavender Dreams

What a sweet memory. And they really do brighten up the woods and trees with their bright red color. We saw a whole family of them on our hike this week. There were 7 or 8 in a flock and most were males....bright red. Enjoy your week my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

Reader Wil

Hi Sallie! I can understand that you are excited whenever you see a Cardinal. It is so beautiful!
Thanks for your visit to my post about the cyclone. All turned out well, but for a couple of trees,which were uprooted or had broken branches.


We never see these beauties in Southern California either.
Nice photos Sallie!


Brilliant bird shots with lovely collage.

Lady Fi

What a gorgeous bird! Lovely shots.


Such a wonderful story and memory. Cardinals are so dramatic looking. I grew up with them in Illinois and now see them in Arizona but never saw them in Washington.


The cardinal is the state bird here in Illinois. I love them in all seasons, but, especially in winter, there deep red against the whiteness of snow is stunning.

In our old house, we had an iron arbor that was covered with roses and clematis. A plain wooden bench was underneath and Tom and I took to wandering out there in the evening. One evening, a few weeks before our garden was to be featured on a garden walk, sitting there, I happened to look up. Looking down at me was a female cardinal on a well constructed and equally well concealed nest! The male would come and feed her and they both let us sit there as their chicks appeared - just before the walk. I was so worried. I needn't have been as the cardinals are devoted couples. Thanks for the cardinal story and photos, which brought about the memory.

Carole M.

your cardinals are wonderful; I'd love to see them for myself...thanks for sharing


They may be common but I never get tired of them. I don't remember them growing up in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.


I've been around cardinals all my life Sallie and I never get tired seeing them. Winters here are always gloomy but seeing the cardinal on the bare branches always makes me look twice and smile.
Lovely collage!


Lovely commentary to go with this post


I feel the same way about cardinals. When we lived in California, it was not common for me. Now that we live in Austin and see them everyday, I'm still amazed at their brilliant red color.


Our Virginia state bird is indeed a charmer!


One of my favorite birds when I lived in PA. Alas, I've never seen one in CO. When are you heading 'home?"


Sallie, pretty shots of your Cardinal. They are beautiful, I kind of take them for granted since I see them everyday.. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!


Lovely memories of your Mom Sallie. I can't remember the first time I saw a Cardinal, I know they didn't have them in the UK so it must have been when I first moved to Virginia in 1975. They are very common in Virginia and every time I see one I get real happy. Your photos are great, I like the soft framing you have used on them!


I like the story. No beautiful bird seems common the first time you see it.

Jenn Jilks

They truly are fine fellows, aren't they?
Lovely you shared a memory.

Hootin' Anni

One of my favorites!!
And may I add, I LOVE the misted effect of your photo...pluse the added inserts like that.


My grandmother had a statue of a cardinal in her living room, so I always think of her when I see the real deal. It amazed me to learn from some visiting northerners earlier this year that they don't have the cardinal! I thought that was such a common bird. Amazing the things one can take for granted. It is a very beautiful bird indeed.


What a stunning little bird... wonderful images


Beautiful bird and definitely something to get excited about.


The Cardinal is lovely!


Beautiful bird.


They're very handsome. I love the colour.


I don't know how I could live without the cardinals in my yard they make me so happy and keep me entertained with their antics at the feeders!!


Dearest Sallie;
Wonderful to read your story connected with this lovely bird♡♡♡ What a photogenic she is (wish to make it female)♡♡♡

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


I think I may be able to match your excitement when I see these birds - it happens about once every ten years!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


Sally, he's gorgeous-and so are the photos!


i like the circular perch he found to showcase himself in. :)

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