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September 23, 2014



What a majestic bird, Sallie, and you have captured his demeanor and colors so beautifully. I've only send a magpie once and that was in a zoo. How exciting to see so many during your trip and to know they are abounding in Alaska.


The magpie is a distinctive and beautiful bird. Great shots.


I never noticed the blue-green coloring before.
It was nice of him to post for a while. Nice pics


They're beautiful birds.


Awesome last shot to show off the green feathers.


magpies are handsome and intelligent but can be real muisances! Your photos bring out the irridescent colours beautifully


They are everywhere here too ..in the large city... but, not nearly as healthy looking as the ones in the wilderness areas. I thought it humours that one of the guys ..forget who now...referred to them as the majestic magpie when he was actually searching for one and I couldn't believe he had to look. But, they are kind of pretty when they are healthy and their plumage is in wonderful condition I guess.... although, they do steal eggs and young of the small birds and, so I throw brooms, boots and golf balls at them most of the time....


They are beautiful birds, and so intelligent! I love how you captured that blue-green in his black feathers.


I see alot of them on the golf course. I think they're sort of pretty with the black and white.


We have magpies here and near my parents'home too ! Some of them are flying around. I like a lot their colours black and white of course but especially the dark blue on their wings.

Hootin' Anni

Such a gorgeous bird! I love the close up of the face only that you shared and the beautiful tail feather colors in the bath.

orchid Miyako

I'd never known magpies without blogging. Yes, their greenish-blue feathers are really beautiful(*^_^*)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Margaret Birding For Pleasure

Brilliant photographs.


Great captures and that sheen certainly is worth capturing. What a silly thought that magpies could harm cattle! They were probably just taking care of the bugs on them like cattle lice.


What beautiful coloring they have!

Karen, Pixel Posts

No magpies here, lots of crows. I think the maggies are a lovely bird. You got some great shots, and I like the greenish feathers.


I get to see Magpies when I visit CO where one of my sisters live. I've always loved seeing them. Great photos!!


I love the Magpies! They do have pretty colors on their wings.. I think they are beautiful birds. Great post, Sallie..

Adam Jones

It's a cool looking bird.


Your Magpies are so different from ours - very striking and very beautiful. Great photos.

Andrea @ From the Sol

We don't have any Magpies in Illinois either ... or at least none that I have seen and I have lived here all of my life. We did see them in Colorado though, and loved them. They are much like the crows in that they are smart and wily ... always looking for a way to snatch food from your plate or wherever. They have a lot of personality and we found them to be both beautiful and entertaining ... though the locals didn't necessarily agree. Love your pictures and I think that there is some blue/green in the feather colors of most black birds ... the light has to be just right to see it. Love your post ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


They're usually quite shy birds. I think they're handsome.


They are common in the UK Midlands, but rarely let one near to them. However, the are attracted to bright things and will try to get in an open window. Your photos make him(?) look very attractive!


i'd like to see one in person, some day!


They are beautiful birds. Are they the ones that chatter alot.

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