November 14, 2014



this is amazing. So much beauty for the eyes and soul. :)

I seem to be late too. If you have a hard time finding my blogs, please remember they are all on display in the sidebar in my main photo blog. Looking there is the best way to fidn them. :)

Monica / NatureFootstep

Mary Howell Cromer

Oh My those pine cones, I would have plucked up a few to take home and dry open, and then try to grow trees from the seeds ;)


Oh wow, gorgeous flowers Sallie and love those pine cones too. Thanks for linking with Today's Flowers, you always make my day :)


Such gorgeous flowers.

Laura Hegfield

What a beautiful assortment of photos Sallie. I especially love that "carpet"! Thanks as always for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)


BEAUTIFUL flowers and photographs of them!
I would love to do that same trip. Hey, I'm just down the coast from there. "Just down" being over 3000 miles!
I'll settle for enjoying the trip through your great photos and words. Thanks!

Donna@Gardens Eye View

I never tire of flowers so keep them coming especially given the snow here now. And I loved hearing about the Chena project....fascinating.

Sharon Wagner

The fuzzy framing really show them off. So pretty.

Life Images by Jill

gorgeous gardens and cheerful colourful flowers. Enough to brighten anyone's Monday. Have a lovely week.


Very pretty and colorful flowers.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage

Very enjoyable to see flowers and scenery from Alaska that we didn't on our cruise. Your photos help prove what a beautiful state Alaska is beyond snow and ice.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Sallie.


Such amazing beautiful flowers, one would think it to be too cold for blooms, it is too cold for me for sure. I'm on my across Canada trip and was disappointed when we reached Haida Gwaii to find out the Hot Springs had been closed due to the earthquake what in 2010, I've been looking for hot springs ever since. Today we are out of the mountain area and in Vancouver. Lovely pictures


Beautiful flowers! The whole trip sounds like fun...and I think it's so interesting about the geothermal area and the gardens that are utilizing it.

Jenn Jilks

Wouldn't a greenhouse be fun? We have snow today, so I'm happy to see your colourful flowers!!!


Nope, not getting tired of Alaska flower pics.
That resort was a great find. Obviously the owners are in it for more than money. I love it when people have a passion for things.


Hot springs and beautiful flowers in Alaska sounds divine. Then you tease with an ice cream museum. These photos are spectacular!


Beautiful flowers and so many! It's hard to imagine that a place at that latitude has time in the summer to grow flowers and veges too. The hot pool resort looks absolutely wonderful. I grew up in New Zealand where thermal hot pools were never too far away - happy memories!


I've heard everything grows pretty well in Alaska.

beautiful flower images.


I will never tire of Alaskan flowers - and what a lush carpet, Sallie.


The top photo of the basket of North and South American Petunias is stunning. Plants in Alaska look so beautiful after the cold has passed.


Gorgeous flowers and I really like the cones.


Sallie-it says online that it is 1C where you are today! is that right?


We watch the Alaska shows on HGTV, etc. and are often mesmerized by the state's beauty. Gorgeous flowers. How were the mosquitoes?


Marvelous series of captures. Such a burst of colors:)


Very creative photos !


wow! that sounds like a bit of eden up there! how wonderful!


Alaska certainly makes the most of the short summer! The flower photos are stunning. The RV/Camp sites with facilities are amazing compared to those in UK!


I will never get tired of Alaska flowers. These are all so beautiful. I am vicariously getting my Alaska trip through you as that's somewhere I've always wanted to go and never been to yet.


In fact, our world is full of beautiful flowers.

So full that we can't see them all.


What wonderful pictures, so many different flowers. I love that hanging basket in the first shot. Wish mine looked like that. :)


Beautiful! I didn't know Alaska was so rich in flowers.


These are so lush and lovely! I have another blogging friend who has gone to Alaska a few times and always takes flower pics as well. I just don't think of these kind of plants in Alaska - I mean it's supposed to be cold and snowy! LOL!
Lovely shots Sallie!

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