October 11, 2014



Love the mushrooms! and the moss!

Laura Hegfield

Just wonderful Sally! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti

They were all such unusual looking fungi, Sallie! It is always amazes me that thye grow so fast and can live in adverse conditions.

EG CameraGirl

Very nice selection of fungi!


What an amazing variety of fungi. So pretty too.


OMG, that's a lot of mushrooms! They are also decomposers for a fastpace succession!


Beautiful shots of the mushrooms and the mosses. Both are fascinating with their interesting shapes and textures.


I thought Alaska's climate was too cold to grow much vegetation. These mushrooms are interesting, wonder how many are edible.


Sallie you found some cool looking mushrooms.. Awesome captures.. Have a happy week!

ann nz

I took some mushroom photos too this month.

Ida P. Krause

Fabulous Fungi indeed. Loved your mosaics.

Donna@Gardens Eye View

What a beautiful transformation with all the moss and mushrooms.

Gail Dixon

All are so amazing! But I am really smitten with the pastel pink one. Looks like a pastry!

Jenn Jilks

Ever cool!
We have so many fungi in our backyard! It's been cold over night, but warms up. They are thriving!


Wonderful shots of a great variety of mushrooms and other fungi. I like the presentation also.;

Judith @ Lavender Cottage

My goodness, so many interesting forms of fungi. These are a plant species that intrigue me and I've been on guided forest walks in Ontario to view and photograph them.
Thanks for sharing at Mosaic Monday Sallie.


You sure found some impressive fungi. Love the delicate underside of the last one.


These are fabulous shots, Sallie. It's amazing how nature, when left alone, will "do it's own thing".


I thought we have really many kinds of mushrooms and eat, Sallie. Wow, the forest-floor sure must be providing the perfect home for mushrooms and such colorful ones♡♡♡ I love the 'Fungi on parade' collage very much.:-) I wonder people there eat them like we do with variety of meals. (must also be careful to pick them).

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Sharon Wagner

What a great crop of Alice in Wonderland beauties. So unusual.

Reader Wil

I have always been interested in mushrooms, although I must confess that I don't know much about them, but you know a lot about them. Thanks for this post!
Thanks for your visit to my entry about Malala. She can never go back to her own country.Such a shame that women and girls are treated so cruelly and in an inhuman way.We represent half of humanity!

Lady Fi

What amazing mushrooms!


So many wonderful varieties of fungi!


You were able to capture the beauty that mother nature has left behind. I love walking through a woodland and taking pictures of fungi, having the kids check it for fairies lurking about. Wonderful pictures and species


I have never seen so many different kinds..


Wonderful photos of all different mushroom types.

Freda Mans

Fun fungi fotos!


What pretty picture of mushrooms. I did not realize that there are so many different varieties.

bettyl - NZ

What a variety! The shapes are astounding. I would be taking photos of all of them, too!


Wonderful mushrooms and fungi! All that moisture, and rich soils...giving rise to a forest of fungi!

NatureFootstep Memes

wow, that´s a lot of mushrooms. Nicely captured. :)

Penelope Puddlisms

The large circular mushroom with ridges all around would make a perfect tabletop for forest fairies!


Very cool. I've never seen so many varieties of mushrooms. Lots of fun stuff to experience in Alaska.

Thanks for your comment. I'm not posting much at the moment for various reasons but I do put up a photo on L & L Photography every so often: http://www.landlfotos.com/blog


The different varieties of mushrooms are truly fascinating. Great shots Sallie. Have a great Sunday :)


When I see mushrooms it reminds me my childhood when I went with my Grandpa in the woods collecting them, he knew all the mushrooms growing there. And my grandma prepared delicious meals with them !


The fungi are coming, the fungi are coming, Run for cover. I really got into these guys when I thought about becoming a botanist. What fun to find so many!

Stewart M

They are strange looking things.

I think that the number of days that a joey spends in the pouch varies a bit - and the mother 'roo can change the quality of the milk provided to encourage independence!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


I wonder why the mushrooms I met this morning got so excited.

They never stopped whispering.

I know the reason now.

They have found their cousins who live so far away.

Karen, Pixel Posts

Oh, I love fungi. A great variety here. I must say the pinks are my favourite.


I'm always amazed by how many different kinds of fungi there are. This is quite a showing. Guess you weren't sampling. ;)


SO MANY!! I've never seen some of those!! My dogs know which ones they can eat and they love them!


These are great Sallie. I like to look for mushrooms too but I never find any neat ones like this. well maybe once i did.


It is amazing how fast nature takes back our workings if we just leave her alone.


I had no idea there are so many varieties of mushroom in Alaska! I love the plate-like (magical) one! I've never been to Alaska, Sallie - your photo journey makes me want to visit.


Very pretty in their own way. It's been wet enough here this summer we've got fungi growing in our lawn!


Unexpected and a pleasure to see such an unusual set of fungi!!! The photos are so clear too.


love all the mosses and fungi. :)


Wonderful sequence of shots. I love mushrooms in all their multitude of forms.

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