November 03, 2014



That would be SO neat to see a seaplane up close! LOL. Yep, I'd be like you and grab my camera too:)
Blessings, Aimee

peppylady (Dora)

I've never seen a sea plane this large. A lease that day there were no "white caps"
I also took part in "Sky Watch"
Coffee is on


Hello Dearest Sallie; Oh, I also smiled about the engine part p;-)
Wonderful captures and collage of colorful seaplane♡♡♡ I loved to learn 'touch-and-goes' p:-) Great post especially skywatch Friday☆☆☆

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Lady Fi

Great shots of the plane!

Peter B

I've only been in a seaplane once, and it was a blast!! Some great pics here.


My husband had flown in sea spans both in Alaska and Queensland, I never got the chance. Apparently it is rather interesting when taking off from the ocean, especially with a running surf.


Great shots.


Nice shots of the action!
Your dive bombing comment was priceless.


Wonderful shots Sallie. I used to love watching these planes take off and land in Victoria Harbor. Thanks for stopping by my David Chihuly post. I could kick myself and I am so sorry but I deleted your comment accidentally. I was actually deleting a repeat message and didn't notice that I had also ticked yours at the same time. Oh for skinny fingers, especially when using my IPad. I am new to this wonderful Mr Chuhuly but after your comment did a search and discovered his work wasn't new to me at all as a light bulb went off in my head. Years ago I remember being in awe of these glass flowers adorning the ceiling in the Bellagio in Las Vegas, and was so excited to see them pop up as one of his works. I will have to look for the photos I took tomorrow. And again, so sorry about deleting your comment :(


I stopped by after reading your comment on Penny's blog about being sidetracked from the kitchen because your lake was mysteriously full of pelicans! From pelicans to sea planes. The sound of those mottos would be deafening in such pristine natural beauty, which I at least imagine would be quiet most of the time. Very interesting. I'll check back…if you have any photos of those pelicans…just saying! :-)


That seaplane is awesome, but I'm sure very 'noisy'. I like your definition of pulling the plug better than flood control.


That noise would have gotten my attention, too, though after seeing what it was, I'd be out there with my camera, like you! :)


Interesting about those planes... Sally... Most of your posts are nature related and great for Nature Notes...


Great captures of the moving plane! fascinating to watch :)


Wonderful photos and what great fun. A somewhat sad post as you near the end of your summer holiday. Next stop...winter holiday. Oh that's right you are always on holiday.


"I grabbed the camera -- if we were being dive-bombed, I wanted to have a picture." Smiling here, Sallie. I know what you mean. :) Great photos and very interesting as well.

jeanne stone

Love your shots of this colorful seaplane. What an adventure running out and seeing this and you did a great job capturing this with your camera. I have been on several of these and thought it was a great experience. It is very interesting to me that your reservoir empties out in the fall. Don't think I have ever heard of this before. Also wanted to tell you thanks for stopping by my blog, and hope to see you again!


I remember your post about the lake being drained before. So you are back home for the winter. great entertainment for you when the seaplane came. We flew in one in Alaska and landed on a lake it was fun and the scenery was spectacular as you well know.

Stewart M

Crazy looking plane - I have to say I'd like a ride in it!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

CD's only lasted a day or so in the window - craft women said that the rainbows distracted here when she was trying to read!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti

What a sight it must have been to watch this seaplane landing and taking off, Sallie! I know many areas in Alaska depend of seaplanes for transportation and delivery of goods.


a beautiful plane and you captured it beautifully.


Seaplanes are so cool. I wonder if it is one they use for fighting forest fires.

Jenn Jilks

What great photos!


Nice shots - it's always fun to watch a seaplane landing and taking off.


Great shots of the seaplane. I think they are intriguing vehicles. I had to laugh about grabbing your camera. You have a war photographers instincts.


wow not something you see everyday!!

artmusedog and carol

Gorgeous shots of the fascinating sea plane and water!

Happy Week to you!
artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Gail Dixon

What a fun an unusual sight to photograph. The noise must've scared your boots off, though! I suppose the water fowl and birds find other places to go for food and water after the lake is drained.


A great series of photos and very interesting that you were able to watch the plane landing on the water and taking off again. Amazing that you could find out about the plane by checking those numbers on it. Very good team work there :-) One to take photos and one to track the numbers!!


Sallie, you lake is pretty. Love the shots of the seaplane.. Great captures! Enjoy your week!


I have to admit I love the tranquil scene, too! I lived on Air Bases for too many years to enjoy planes unless I need to get somewhere in a hurry!! Otherwise I take a train!! Hope you have a great new week, Sallie!!


laughing at 'noise' versus a seaplane fan. :)

i like that first tranquil scene, myself.

Penelope Puddlisms

Looks like you had your own private flight show during your visit. I agree … this is an exciting way to travel. No stops or starts or rough roads … soaring way up in the clouds with only occasional bumps from wind gusts!

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