January 12, 2016


Martha Z

We were in Sandhill Crane habitat at the Consumnes. I heard but didn't see them so I appreciate your images.


Great photos and love the last one too. Shows some serious attitude! They know right where the best grass is, on the golf course.

Lady Fi

That last shot is wonderful!


beautiful images. :)
Hopefully I will be able to see a few next week. I´m going to Japan and we will probably see them. If we can find them among all other cranes. They say there might be three different species at the location. And a huge no of birds wintering.

Eden Hills

These are great! Love that last shot.


Though a mile long, the boardwalk seems to be endless.


Great to see them so close.

Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

Incredible!!! The 'display' images just make me so envious!


cranes on the golf course, that's funny


Beautiful pics and the last one is spectacular, time for that dude to shape up or get out.

Most golfers I know are not really eco friendly. The world is their toilet seems to be their attitude.

Hildred Finch

Life with the Sandhills - lovely, and not much different from home.....


Oh great birds!... Yes I did see the Google bit about monarchs.... Thank you


Is the poop an issue?! Our Canada Geese are terrible for this up here!

Karen, Pixel Posts

Neat birds, cool shots!


I don't play golf but if I did and those cranes showed up I would have to abandon the game and go get my camera. The whole of the crane family are just fabulous, even mythical creatures. We have the Common Crane in the UK which breeds so scarcely that its whereabouts are not advertised.

Your photos are great Sallie.


Great photos of fantastic big birds. I would love to see them! Thanks for sharing.


Wonderful shots of the Sandhills!


I remember seeing the Sandhill Cranes the last time I was in Florida. So exciting to see them for the first time. Love your photos.

Mama Zen

That last shot is fantastic!


Funny birds! I saw a pair on a golf course in Florida recently. They can make a lot of noise.


Nice to see them so close to home.

Latane Barton

For some strange reason I thought sandhill cranes were only found in the sandhills of the Dakotas and Nebraska. So, I learned something today. Hurrah. Aren't they pretty. We don't have any where I am.

Andrea @ From The Sol

I love the Sandhill Cranes and we get a pair that live close to us every summer. Sadly, we rarely get to see a full grown juvenile because the coyote's are rampant in our area. But this is a wonderful set of pictures and yes, junior will food bed until Dad kicks him out ... one of the many things they have in common with mankind, Ha!

Andrea @ From The Sol

nancy chan

They are beautiful cranes.


Beautiful birds are those Sandhill Cranes. Thank you for sharing!
Wil, A BCWTeam


What a strange looking bird, at least to me, I think I have never seen such a bird !


We have sand hill cranes on our golf courses here. I just aim right at them thus knowing I won't come close to hitting one of them.

It's really cold here. 31 degrees tonight. Hate that! But it's supposed to warm up by Thursday AM to 41 degrees and I hope so as I have a golf date! :)


LOVE these birds, great photos of the family action!


I see them every time I visit my daughter and grandkids in Orlando. They are everywhere, in their yard, in the street, in the parking lots, even on the kids playgrounds at school. There are two that hang out by the sidewalk my grandson uses to walk to school and he has named them Bob and Philomena. He likes to text me pictures of them on his way to school!

Gayle atMuldoon

Stately creatures.
Love the last expressive shot.

Stewart M

What great birds - funny to think of them on a golf course. Hope nobody gets their ball stuck in a sand(hill) trap!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


It's my favorite also! Just love it.

The Sandhill Cranes are here in the 1,000's this year. I don't know why. And they keep coming. I guess our fields are perfect for them.


Hootin' Anni

I am green with envy of your very last photo. My crane photos always remind me of the pink plastic flamingo yard art! Still and inanimate. Fantastic Sandhills Sallie.


they're so cool! interactive lawn ornaments! (they always remind me of the crane statues folks place in their zen gardens).


Sallie, you can never post enough Sandhill Cranes. These are wonderful, and a remainder that teenagers can be trying, whatever the species. :) Love that last one.


Cool shots of the cranes, especially the last one. 9 holes just means it's not a full golf course. A full one would have 18 holes to play. My husband sees cranes out on the courses pretty regular in Florida. I keep saying I'm going to go with him just to take pictures.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure

Lovely series of shots of the Sandhill Cranes


Hello Sallie, awesome shots of the Cranes. They are a cool sighting. I like the last shot with junior begging. Happy Tuesday, enjoy the week ahead!


Stunning set-and I love the commentaries :).

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