April 27, 2016



Great moon photos! I've never taken a moon pic nearly as good as any of these. As to the rain, we are still waiting for autumn, winter, AND spring...


So much fun! The signage is a hoot!

Eden Hills

Love all the moon images! That fence certainly has character.


Hi Sallie, I love your moon! So pretty. The fence is unusual also! That sign is so cute! Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog. Hope you are having a great weekend. cheers.


Dearest Sallie; Wonderful collage of Beautiful different Moon☆☆☆ (Thanks for the idea p:-) The sign with the cute yellow boots gave me a smile♡♡♡ OH, how unique the fence is and I wish I had "Nature Trail" to enjoy walking.

Have a wonderful new week and spring days;
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


The morning moon is splendid ! Here (May 1st) all the flowers are blooming.... and the snow is just a few meters above us ! Have a nice sunday, Sallie and thank you for your message !


Fantastic shots of the moon as well as the other lovely scenes.


The moon is reluctant to leave sometimes.


Lovely moon shots! The morning moon is my favourite, you've caught the almost eerie enigmatic feeling of a new dawn.
Thanks for sharing the beauty.....have a great week Sallie!


Nice variety of shots, my friend! The moon is amazing and that fence is so unique!


I like that odd looking fence. It had a certain beauty. :)

Rain? We had a lots of wet snow yesterday. Not fun at all :(

David Gascoigne

It always seems a little fascinating somehow that we all look at the same moon no matter where we are in the world. It's a sort of unifying factor in a way.


the moon images are mesmerizing....really spectacular!!! i love all the whimsy you find in your neck of the woods, i like being around creative energy!!!

and i like cute signs, the one with the boots fits that description!!!


I like that fence - and I love that full moon! Wonderful.


I see a bad moon rising. (Although this looks like a good moon, I heard that song today and your post made me think of it.) Nice shots!

Peter B

Wow, I love that morning moon, and yes, a magical feel for sure!

Photo Cache

Beautiful moon shots.

Taken For Granted

Hi Sally. Sugar may be a major villain in the American diet. Sugar couples with lack of exercise leads to a long list of health problems. Obesity is certainly one of them. Sugar pollutes the environment and kills people. Thanks for your comment on my Central Josefita post.


Ooh la la love that moon shot. You live the best of both worlds.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure

Love the Moon collage and that is unusual fence

Ida P. Krause

Great post. The fence was so different but I really liked it. Also the sign was a good one and a good warning to be cautious. Loved your morning moon shot at the end.


I love the moon shots Sallie

Jesh StG

Had to smile at the wetness! Already twice this week we had a hail storm. Have to get used to this up and down weather - in the mountains everything seems much more up or down than in the valley. Love these fences - so different! And your moon pics are amazing:)


Great pics, I love your last moon photo. I also love morning moon photos.

nancy chan

Beautiful photos of the full moon and the very unique fencing.


Wonderful wonderful moon sights. I never can capture it very well. Loved that most unique and interesting fence.


Beautiful photos, Sallie, and I also love how you have displayed them!


Lovely picrures ! I would need the sign here for all the streets of the country !

Andrea @ From The Sol

Your Moon shots are awesome and I too watched that full moon rise over our lake. There is very little that can compare to it. And your whimsical fence is a classic ... somebody put a lot of thought and work into it. Very nice, Sallie ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com

I feel the same way about a morning moon -- gets me every time! Your photos are gorgeous!


loved the cute boot sign. and what a unique, arty fence!


Beautiful moon shots and what an interesting fence!


Cute sign! The spring weather in Berlin has been very strange. Last weekend I got hailed on at the golf course!

Lady Fi

Wow - fabulous moon shots.


Great bunch of shots.


Amazing captures of full moon. I love it.


Wonderful moon shots, mystical :) Also love those fences and the signs. Nice to have the warning.

ellen b

Lovely photos. Love that sign with the wellies...


Beautiful moon shot!


the nature pictures are so beautiful and so serene.. specially the full moon picture



How nice to see the various moon shots. I like them in your fine collage format.
Morning moon can be very pleasant. Though I haven't experienced it much, being a night owl, if I had my way :)
I like the pillars used for the fence. Very nice!
Great shots, Sallie!
Peace :)

PS. Jaggery is just raw sugar, obtained by evaporating sugar cane juice. More on Wiki :)


Ticks in Florida, or not? I love the fence and the house that goes along with it. It seems to me that you find the very best things in Florida.


Your pictures of the moon are gorgeous!


Nice that they remind you about boots for when it is actually wet!


the sign is a good reminder to wear boots. gorgeous shot of the moon!


LOVE these moon shots--a full moon in the morning is a good omen for sure! I'm itching to go hiking--but Im stuck here doing chores and projects right now..

Taken For Granted

The purple thing in that garden looks like it might grow to eat Cleveland. Interesting photos.


I need that sign for the back part of our property. We've had the wettest April on record here. Love the moon photos!!

Terri @ Coloring Outside the Lines

Love the moon shot and the fence...pretty neat design.


nice fence and lovely photos of the moon.


Hello, Sallie! Beautiful captures of the moon. I like that cute fence too. The trail looks like easy walking. Great post. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

Gemma Wiseman

So many wonderful moon scenes. magical. And adore the style of the whimsical fence. Someone has a creative imagination. The garden and fence seems to complement each other. And the trail sign is quite a clear warning.


Love the moon-photos

tom the backroads traveller

If you have too much rain send some up to me.


We don't ever need that wellie sign in the UK. No need to explain why.


Moon glow! Lovely, Sallie. I like that fence, too. One can find lots of strange or off-beat stuff here in Florida. Must be the weather. :)


What lovely views! I can but dream-we are having rain/hail showers and freezing nights just now :).


Wonderful shots of the moon and unique fence. You sure have a lit of interesting sights in FL.

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