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October 19, 2019



Beautiful autumn photos, Sallie I feel Colorado was cheated out of autumn this year. We have already had our second significant snowstorm! We had an early frost. I'm glad we took a little autumn ride over a few mountain passes when we did, as I would have missed all the beautiful colors.


oh sallie, i could not agree with you more!! i do like a little pumpkin in my life but nothing is better than autumns surprise of color!! your images are gorgeous - we have very little color here and i am not sure what is happening. we usually see a lot more than what we are seeing so i am happy to enjoy your beauty!!

fall leaves, apples and pumpkin everything, i'm not sure there is anything better!!

handmade by amalia

I'm with you - I'm loving the rich colors of autumn and the cooling temperatures. Best time of year!

riitta k

The autumn colors look fabulous over there - enjoy! In Finland all this colorfullness lies already on the ground.

Michelle Keltner

LOVE the colors in these photos. Just beautiful! I don't care for pumpkin spice anything. I prefer enjoying fall outdoors. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

Peter B.

Gorgeous fall colors. Totally beats a pumpkin latte any day!!


wonderful autumn colours! I agree, autumn is about the leaves and the apples....

Lisa | Handmade in Israel

Such wonderful autumnal colours! That first tree is amazing. #MCoW


Lovely colors of the season. <3
Happy Fall!! :)

betty - NZ

I agree about the color, it's always an awesome thing to see. You captured a small part of it beautifully, my friend :)

Your post on 'My Corner of the World' is much appreciated!
My Corner of the World


...fall can be a glorious time of year, what with all the colors and flavors! This is apple country and ladders are becoming a thing of the past, small trees are the norm these days. Thanks Sallie for stopping by.


Love your collection of autumn colors. We have nothing like that in my neck of the woods.


Finally some color here but drought dull. That chair back sure is in October style.


I hate pumpkin lattes!

Little Wandering Wren

A year ago I was in the US in Connecticut and I really wanted a pumpkin flavoured latte, I never did - bummer have one for me! Enjoy your fall colours.
Wren x

Linda Walcroft

Lovely colors! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Photo Cache

LOL! I am one of those that don't care for pumpkin lattes as well. The leaves are what makes fall for me.


October certainly shows off.

ellen b.

I, too, love the colors of the season best of all. I've never had a pumpkin latte or any drink flavored with pumpkin and I probably never will. :) What fun to be able to pick apples and enjoy your families bounty.

MaryBeth Schwartz

Lovely color. I agree with you----I like fall color and to heck with the pumpkin lattes---LOL
We have picked our apples and made applesauce and pie filling to freeze

Iris Flavia

I love all the colors - and your banner. Wise words :-)

bill burke

Colour everywhere, nice captures! Love those apples. :)

A ShutterBug Explores

Delightful autumn photo collage ~ What colors and variety !

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)



The fall colors and trees are looking gorgeous there. I love the beautiful red. The apple harvest looks fun, I love the crisp apples.
Lovely photos and mosaic. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!


Wonderful Fall pictures!Hugs!


Sallie - I love orange, so it's no wonder that Autumn is my favorite season - the trees are all dressed up in my color palette! It is amazing to me to think that the color was there all summer, hidden under the green. Perhaps this is a lesson to us all - the beauty that can be revealed even in the "late" season of our lives! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday! P.S. Feel free to ship some of those apples to Montana ...


I do miss seeing colors like this in the fall. Glorious!


Gorgeous colours.

Veronica Lee

WOW! Love the burst of Fall colors! We don't have Fall here but if we did, I think Fall would be my fave season hands down.

Happy Monday, Sallie!

Lady Fi

Oh, how I love the vibrant colours of autumn! So beautiful. And am I one of the few people who has never tried a pumpkin spiced latte? :-)

Amy Franks

I've never had a pumpkin flavoured latte - I do hope they're nice.

William Kendall

Lovely fall colours!


Your autumn leaves were brighter than the ones we found on our road trip. Maybe all the clouds masked their true beauty. I agree with your adult camping comment. We are that way with our boat now too. We use to anchor out and fix simple meals. Now we go for docks near restaurants. Still a lot of fun and much easier to pack. - Margy


Lovely! A Free Pick Me sign may be in order...SO much fruit!! I'd grab up that old chair...it looks like a nice one. Have a good week Sallie. I am looking forward to Pumpkin Pie for sure.


I don't know why but these colored trees make me depressed, they announce winter, I really hate autumn, the smell, the darkness the short days. After Christmas I start to live again. For the moment I try to, lol ! At least I love to do my pouring painting

Cathy Keller

You have captured some magnificent color!! Nicely done. Enjoy your weekend!!

Penelope Notes

The brilliant colours are part of why I like autumn best. Looks as if the wheel barrel has seen many autumns and was painted by the redness of the fallen leaves. Haha, I wonder if all those apples mean there is applesauce and pies aplenty in your horizon. :)

Linda P

A lovely post celebrating the beauty and bounty of the season. The colours of the leaves are wonderful and the apple harvest something to appreciate. Enjoy the fruit and have a good week.

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