April 19, 2020



Hi Sallie, so glad you could get out and enjoy your walks, especially if you can go out with your family. I look forward to the next time we can do that but in the meantime it is lovely looking at all your photos. The photo across the city you worked on is lovely, as are all your flowers and I do enjoy your collages. The dogwoods are a personal favorite of mine and your pink ones are stunning. We get a lot of white dogwoods growing wild in our area. Enjoyed all the wildlife pics too. Thanks for sharing them all and enjoy the rest of your week :)


Beautiful Oregon sure did welcome you home. Glad you didn't have trouble coming across. We've had snow in CO, so probably good you skipped it this spring.

Jeanne S

This is indeed an unusual year, with unusual memories. Focus on the good unusual stuff, and stay healthy!

Michelle Keltner

Glad that you made the trip safely, but what a long drive! Whew! Thanks for linking up and stay well.

Lady Fi

Nice shots. Glad to hear you are home safely!

riitta k

You had a long trip back home, glad to hear that you are safe & well. The mountain view is stunning and so are the bluebells in your neighbour's garden ❤︎ Flowers and nature give us joy in these tough times. Take care Sallie.

Peter B.

Glad you are back home safely. That's a heck of a drive! I love your first photo capture back in Oregon. Stay safe and healthy!

Jim, Sydney, Australia

Great shots.

Suzan Batz

Well you certainly made the most of that gruelling trip.
Thankful you made it home and are happy to be there.
Mountains are pure therapy for me.


May have been different than other cross country trips but I think you chose the right route, especially having the trailer to stay in. Welcome back to OR.

Michelle Banks

We must all stay well my dear friend...Michelle

Dina Johnston

Great story although for a sad reason. Love the pictures of the mountains. I hope that in the not so distant future, my husband and I will be doing the same thing.


That was quite a fast trip, glad you got home well. The Spring flowers are very pretty.

Veronica Lee

Sounds like a great adventure for you both! So glad you are home safe and sound.

Happy Weds, Sallie!

Diane Bohlen

Wow what a trip. So glad you made it safely and without a hitch. I'm amazed the RV parks were open. Ours have closed and those who live on the road found it difficult to find somewhere to stay. I'm in awe of how far you drive at your age. Congratulations. Hope you haven't caught the bug. I believe Florida is pretty bad. We are lucky in that our country has flattened the curve and had no new cases for two days. But we won't be out of lockdown for months yet. WE are not allowed to cross state borders so we could not do what you did even if we wanted. We can't visit Melbourne or Sydney so we use Zoom to have family get togethers. Hope you get out of isolation safely.

Iris Flavia

Sad you had to rush, I love roadtrips, too - but I also want to drive. Beautiful pics. One time I really wanna see Florida...

Robert Nicolaescu

Beautiful post.

MaryBeth Schwartz

I am glad you are home too. I love road tripping but just haven't been to a lot of states. PNW is very special---mountains, trees and an ocean where the sun sets. LOL
We are well and safe hope all is well with you.

betty - NZ

I'm glad to hear you made it back home safely. Your window images are great to see. Many of my 'best' shots are out the car window!

It's delightful to see you over at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

Su-sieee! Mac

Sallie, I'm glad to know you and your husband got home to Oregon safe and sound. 12 days across, I'm impressed. Your photo of the Oregon mountains is neat. The snow-capped tops look like they're suspended in the sky. Cheers to staying in place! :-)

Wally Jones

Considering all the circumstances, looks like you had a pretty good trip home!

Really enjoyed all the pictures. Very happy to hear you're back safely.

Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

I am so glad and thankful you had a successful and uneventful trip home. I had wondered about you. Looks like we might be moving to North Forty Myers in a month or so.
Beautiful flowers and wow long stretches of empty highway, that is a very unusual sight indeed.
Take care and be safe.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


That was long trip and you arrived just in time ! The first time we were in the States was in 1971 visiting my aunt who took us on a trip of 1500 miles in two weeks ! I we went from Wisconsin to North Dakota and South Dakota have been in Colorado too, I have the map somewhere what we have seen were the presidents in carved in the rocks and also the Yellowstone park. I should dig out the photos we didn't do very much unfortuntely in 1971 there was no digital camera. I mostly bought postcards ! So now you are also sitting in your golden cage, I don't twitter though ! I am not Trump !

Linda Walcroft

I'm glad the RV parks were open. Most restaurants are closed except for fast food drive-throughs. Your final shot is a stunner!

Penny O'Neill

A long, long haul but, good to know that you arrived safe and sound. In these times, being back home is different. Your photos are lovely, but, that last one - love it.

Photo Cache

Glad you had a safe trip, even though it's not the usual road trip back home you do. Stay safe.

Worth a Thousand Words


At least you got to do a road trip even if it was not at a pace you enjoy...I want to do something but it's just not happening,..
Hope it will soon be a bad memory for all of us.

NatureFootstep PhotoArt

that is a long trip to get you home. :) But it is a beautiful country to drive in.
But so happy it went well for you. You got home safe and sound :)

Lydia C. Lee

Wow! That is huge (and no doubt tiring). Glad you are home safely - but what an adventure! #Nanahood

A ShutterBug Explores

Wow! What an adventure for you both ~ Glad you are home safe and your photos are awesome ~ Very beautiful flowers you have at home ~ We jonquils and it is still a bit cold here ~ Thanks for sharing your journey ~ Xox

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

bill burke

Wow, that's was a speedy trip at least you made it without any major problems. I love the last photo of the road.
Take care and stay safe

Alan Bates

What a trip!! Totally jealous. I love that long lonely stretch across southern Wyoming.


Wow what a drive. I would love to do that journey but not the way you had to do it. Glad you are safe and sound at home. Hope you both remain in good health


such beautiful pictures sallie...that was a quick trip. it is nice to drive slowly and take time to smell the roses when you can, but i'm sure this was not that time!! when chuck and i take road trips, we play games and i have googled what to talk about when there is nothing to talk about. they have some really fun suggestions. after 42 years of marriage, we have talked about everything there is to talk about!!

try google, it was really fun!!!


Phew, I've been thinking about you guys, what a journey. Was Bill driving close to 8 hours from Wyoming to Idaho? I think I top out at about 7.
I've been wondering about RV parks because it seems as if the campgrounds are closed around here and if I didn't have obligations would have filled an RV to the brim and camped out somewhere for the duration, but expect other people would be doing the same.
You do notice things like truckers are more essential than ever on the road, don't you?
Glad you got to see the spring flowers, maybe this will be a better time to come back in the future? I'm so happy you're both safe and got to see your kids from a safe distance but it is weird that at only 20 miles away you feel as if you were still 3,000.
Enjoy the beauty of home, my friend.


Luv the car window photo and the garden flowers best.
Happy mosaic Monday



Well, I sure enjoyed reading this! You two are marvels! And maybe you will start coming back to Oregon early, now that you are enjoying the beautiful spring. You have mentioned that Florida doesn't really have a spring, and you don't see the same spring flowers.
Again, I think you and Bill are incredible! Such adventurers! Such sports!

Linda P

You must be relieved to be home. I'm glad that it went smoothly especially as it was such an undertaking to travel such a long way in these challenging times. I've only just ventured out beyond our front door today as I was feeling nervous, but actually a short walk did me good. The weather is wonderful so must make the most of the sunshine. I'm sure you're pleased to see the Oregon Springtime flowers and to be able to settle.

Lavender Dreams

Oh I know you are happy to have that long trip behind you! The mountains are beautiful and it's nice that you get to see the wildflowers in bloom! We've had a few rain showers here lately and the pickerel weed is blooming like crazy! Take care and get some rest! Did you wave when you drove through? Hugs, Diane



I am glad you and Bill made it safely home. I love a road trip, going across country is a dream trip for me. I love the mountain scenery and your pretty flowers. Hopefully you can visit with your family soon, I think all want to go back to normal soon. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy, healthy new week!

// Heidrun

Wow, what a great trip, dear Sallie. I wished I was there on the road... by the way, it's a dream of my husband and myself to drive on the 66. Of course with the motorbike. We have a Honda Goldwing 😊 ...maybe after isolation.

Stay healthy. 

Happy MosaicMonday

Bob Bushell

It's good to be at home, though it feels like a concentration camp.
Beautiful photos.


That is really an epic trip, and I loved reading your post about it. Your ability to stay isolated while driving is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this grand and stressful adventure. I hope you have succeeded in avoiding the virus. I hope you won't be too bored now that you are locked down like the rest of us!

be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com


Glad you arrived safely, Sallie! That was a long trip to do so quickly but I guess regular traffic was light, Colorado has had a lot of snow this spring so it was good you didn't travel on I 70.
Hope you can enjoy some nice safe walks out there in Oregon. Stay well!


Sallie - what a trip! I know you know this, but your hubs is a gem to do all that driving. Yikes. Love the spring flowers, especially Cyndi and Jeff's yard - gorgeous! Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday, and stay well!

Stevenson Que

Sallie you have no idea how many "wows" I did everytime I scroll and read through your photos! Those hills that start to melt snow was amazing, then that Wyoming window shot was a dream and the last photo? Out of this world! Thank you for taking us on your cross-country drives Sallie, one of my biggest dreams in life! Seen the pacific states and am so amazed, what more seeing the rest of the USA, I would love to do that too someday hopefully :)

Stay Safe Sallie and have an awesome new week ahead!

ellen b.

Thanks for showing your route on a map. I was very interested in seeing that. There was a time that we could drive straight through from Washington state to southern California but those days are well past us now. A 400 mile day is the longest we'd want to attempt these days. I'm glad to hear that RV parks were open and accessible.
It's good that you are back in your home away from home and in comfortable surroundings. Hoping all this Pandemic is behind us soon!

Penelope Notes

The tulips and bluebells look so pretty together. It’s fortunate you traveled with your RV as motels and hotels are not the place to be nowadays. And isn’t it odd how children nearby might as well be hundreds of miles away. Strange times, indeed.


Never realized just how far your drove from coast to coast, Sallie! What a trek! Glad you shared the map for the All Seasons-ers!
Was happy - thinking- I hope the RV parks are open - and am surprized. That is so hard not to see family during the holidays - we talked with our kids on Skype with Easter - at least we could see their faces:) Still, there were beautiful flowers to see on your trip. Happy you made it out to Oregon safely and quickly! Hopefully this pandemic will be over soon and you will be able to hug your kids and grand kids. Take it easy this week:)


that 12 day trip sounds really long to me - glad you're home and safe!


...I'm glad to hear that things worked out for you. I read an article that some sunbirds in Florida are trapped. Take care and stay well.

Amy Franks

I tell you what, we are really missing our road trips - it'll be nice to be able to get out and about again.


That was such an undertaking without knowing what you might encounter along the way. I'm so glad you found RV parks open so you could spend the night safely. I know you made the right decision and so do you especially with hindsight. We are still isolating here in the States waiting until restrictions lift enough for us to go home without being restricted to staying in a small condo for 14-days with no reliable grocery delivery. - Margy

Cathy Keller

What a trip!!! You do have some wonderful memories of this adventure! Have a grand week and enjoy being home!


Congratulations on such a well planned journey and to Bill for such a fast trip! You must be relieved to be home. The blog is lovely to see.
Keep safe!

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