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December 11, 2022



So disheartening to see all the damage and complete loss of homes. Whilst repairing your home is there anything you can put in place to prevent water damage during future surges?

handmade by amalia

Hope you're enjoying this holiday season and all the best for the coming year, dear Sallie.


I'm relieved you were all ok there, flooding is deadly, it happens here on the west coast of NZ and in other parts of the country, wishing you a Merry Christmas Sallie.


Sigh. Hard to see such damage, but thankful it wasn’t worse. Wishing you (and your FL neighbors strength as you make repairs and a peaceful Christmas despite the challenges.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie

So glad that your home didn't suffer catastrophic damage, Sallie! So nice that your son has helped you out during this time, too. I am also glad to hear that you weren't there and that you put the hurricane shields over your windows. It must be hard to see all the damage done to your dear neighbors and hopefully nobody was injured. Hope you have a calm and happy Christmas and healthy, happy new year. x K

::: Heidrun

Oh, Sallie, I`m so sad about this weather disaster. And I will thank you for your lovely, lovely comment. I had tears in my eyes.
In the meantime we have a water damage in the house ... therefore I answering lately.

An irritating year passes now and we hope for better time in 2023.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a healthy good year.

Warm hugs from Bavaria, Heidrun

Stewart M

Wow! That looks like a lot of work - but thankful that the water did not get into the living space. Hope you manage to find so time to sit down over the next few weeks and months - I think you will deserve it!



Traude "Rostrose"

Dear Sallie,
I am not surprised that this devastation does not count towards your most beautiful memories. But I think it can be said that things went pretty smoothly with your house - and fortunately you were able to repair a lot within the family. That was blessing in disguise!

I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas time
and all the best for 2023, Traude


You were very fortunate compared to the photos you showed of neighboring homes, Sallie. Hopefully, you will have a good holiday in your winter home despite the continuing cleanup.


Your photos really bring it to home what you all had to deal with down there. Glad your place was not so badly damaged but even so, a lot of replacements to get done, a lot of hard work ahead. Geoff was an angel, applauding here. I am so sorry your neighbors lost their homes, as did many. Good luck on what's ahead Sallie. I'll be thinking of you and checking in to see how you are doing.


Wow. Even a "little" damage is truly expensive and requires so much work. I'm glad you came through with only that and still have a place.


beautiful skyshot


I'm so glad it wasn't worse than it was. You did have a beautiful sky to share.


Glad your place was saved even though there's damage.

Peter B.

Lucky indeed, but your poor neighbors! Your positive attitude is a big help for sure! Good luck with cleanup and repair.


You were so lucky not only in less damage than your neighbors, but also that your son came quickly to remove the debris and ruined installation. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you. Merry Christmas!

Jim, Sydney, Australia

Beautiful sky.

Soma @ InkTorrents.com

It must have been so hard to return back home and see the damage in person. I am very happy that you didn't sustain as much damage as others. So nice of your son to spend time there and help you with the repair and renovation. Lots of work is ahead of you, but take some time to relax and rest as well.



Obviously, luck plays a role when one is spared, but it seems to me that you also had the foresight to raise the height of your house, and to have effective storm shutters in place. I’m really happy for you that you now can restore your home. I hope all goes according to your plans!

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Dee Nambiar

It was difficult to watch all the destruction from Ian.
and I'm sure it was painful to see it all in person. Nice to know that things weren't too bad for you.
Take care.
Happy settling in, again. :)

ellen b.

Thank you for sharing the reality of what happened to you and your neighbors this past September. It is said to see the total destruction that some of your neighbors had to bear. What a blessing your son was to you in taking the time to do some clean-up before you could travel to your winter home. Hope all the repair work goes well and that your neighbors rebuilds go well, too.


you were very lucky

Jennifer Jilks

It is important to reflect on what has happened, I think. It helps us understand, and help you to come to terms with it.
I don't think we can be totally positive every blog post. Somedays you have to vent! Such destruction and power is difficult to fathom.
Good luck with all this!
I took an hour to use the snowblower this morning. I am so sore!

Lorrie Orr

I appreciate reading about your experiences with the hurricane, and am so glad that your home was spared. It is difficult to see the devastation all around.


Hello Sallie,
It sounds like you were very lucky compared to some of your neighbors. It is sad to see so much loss and damage done to the other homes. It is wonderful your son and your husband are able to take care of much of the repairs to your place. Take care, enjoy your new week!

Little Wandering Wren

Mother Nature has unleashed her full fury this year again with devastating impacts, I feel for you all. You have a wonderful son and a wonderful attitude to appreciate the positives amongst the devastation and destruction.
Sending you much love
Wren x

William Kendall

It could have been worse.


Sallie - sometimes, damage from storms seems random - one house taken, and one house remains ... Glad your house is in "repair" mode rather than "replace". Do you have any concerns that it will just happen again?

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