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January 15, 2023


::: Heidrun

I don`t forget you. But I`m in hurry last weeks. What wonderful captures. The Moon is like a heart! A symbol for Valentine next in February.

Have a good week. Hugs by Heidrun

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie

What a nice story about the eagles rebuilding and such a great metaphor for what you are going through right now in Fort Meyers. A true story of resilience and determination. The moon shots are amazing and the heart moon is really special. x K

Su-sieee! Mac

A heart of a moon, love it Sallie! Some of my best shots are accidental ones, too. A horse in a coat definitely means c-c-cold to me. Brrr. We’re having sunny, chilly days here, too. Brrr.


A very good sign to start off with Sallie, and have been thinking of you and how everything has been progressing down there. Splendid having an eagle nest so close. They are resilient birds. The moon shots are lovely, and glad you found it’s heart to share :) I wonder if the horse gets an apple occasionally?

Adam Jones

I love the Wolf Moon shot, and glad the Eagles have been carrying out home repairs.


Sounds like your work is coming along. Amazing about the nest. I like all your moon shots.

ellen b.

How wonderful to read about the resourcefulness of those Eagles in rebuilding their nest. Blessings on the two of you as you rebuild yours, too. I can understand it being colder to those who are in warmer climes. It was cold when we were in Southern California, too. Love the heart moon!

handmade by amalia

Love the heart moon, Sallie, and the eagle story. So much drama in nature.

Sharon Wagner

I just booked a condo on Lover's Key (for next November), that isn't even habitable yet, since Hurricane Ian. Finger's crossed!


I'm one of those who photographs hearts found in nature! Your moon is phenomenal. Great reading about the eagles!!!!!
Enjoy your week ahead and thank you for linking in at IRBB.

Shiju Sugunan

Great to hear that the eagles have rebuilt their home so quickly. Nice moon shots, especially the accidental heart!


Hello Sally :=) Thank you so much for your kind email. It was so unexpected and so much appreciated. I'm back blogging as from yesterday, and enjoying my visit here. It is surprising to me that the eagles returned and rebuilt their nest in the same tree.I'm glad that Hurricane Ian did not destroy the tree! Your photos are all splendid. So glad the chicks are doing well. I learnt something I didn't know before, and that is that Eagles keep adding to their nest making it stronger. You can clearly see the difference in your photos from one year ago to this year.
Love your picture of the horse, and moon images.I'm glad you didn't delete the heart shaped one, it's so unusual. Coincidentally I also took some photos of the moon this week, something I have never done before. It just seemed hypnotic and beautiful.Thank you for sharing your day out Sallie.
All the best.

John's Island

Hi Sallie, First of all thank you so much for giving me a new bookmark for my desktop … the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam. Wow, that is really a cool view of the little eagles. Looking at it this morning, both parents are away and the two chicks are rumbling around the nest. What an interesting story about Ian destroying their old nest and how they are coming back with the new one. I enjoyed all your pictures and especially like the way you included the photographers. It fascinates me to see how retired people spend their time and seeing the old folks sitting there with their cameras on tripods … it’s another one for books. :-) Enjoyed your moon pictures too, and especially that one shaped like a heart! Thanks for sharing your blog and a special thank you for your kind comment on my 12th anniversary post on John’s Island. Happy days ahead to you and yours. John

Lavender Dreams

A heart moon...AMAZING! I delete photos too but I'm so glad you caught this one in time. I've never seen anything like it! That's wonderful about the Eagles too! YAY! Enjoy your weekend!


Hello Sallie,
It is great to hear the Eagles have returned to their nest. Their young seem to be doing good, I hope all goes well. Cute shot of the horse greeting the photographer. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

Jm, Illinois, U.S.A.

So excited that the eagles rebuilt their nest. I see hearts here there and everywhere too. I never saw a heart shaped moon before though. Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Keltner

It's nice to see the eagles getting back to regular life and nice that they rebuilt in the same spot. Thanks for linking up.

Veronica Lee

Love the moon shots, Sallie.

I'm so glad the eagles have rebuilt their nests. 

Hugs and blessings!


Nice to see that eagles have rebuilt their nests.Beautiful photos. Lovely moon pictures too..
Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

Peter B.

So nice to see the eagles have rebuilt, and you're right, a wonderful metaphore for the Ft. Meyers area. Love your moon photos!


The moon is such a tempting subject for photos, and so hard to capture effectively. I like your images.

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com


Those eagle photographers have a lot of patience, or least more than me, and I have none. I take photos of what is in front of me and don't wait for anything. But hey, I'm doing me, they can do them.

I love the photographer with the horse. They do seem like old friends.


Many thanks for finding me through Tom's blog. Glad you came to visit. Will add you to my blog list and look forward to getting better acquainted. Some amazing photo's you got both current and previously. The Eagle give us hope and have a strong message I think for us to brush ourselves off and keep going.

Added link for my my most recent post.

Linda W.

I'm glad the eagles are recovering.


Loving your shots, Sallie! How awesome to have such a lovely subject up in the trees. And your moon images are really creative, too! The horses I see when we drive around almost always have on coats, no matter the weather--it has always been befuddling to me.


Sallie - how comforting to know that the eagles were able to re-build so quickly AND hatch two nestlings. Wow! That's hope for all of us!!! And I love the photo of the moon framed by the foliage. And the "accidental" heart - precious!


Beautiful photos, Sallie. The horse is my favorite. Enjoy your day.


i have thought of you so often and prayed that you guys are ok!!

i was going to take out stock in those store, i am sure you just about live there. great heart shaped picture of the moon!!


I am suprised that the temperature is so cold. I remember visiting a friend in Florida at this time of the year and it was tee shirts and shorts weather. Good to see the eagles have survived and are thriving.


wow a birdnest at top


I like the idea that people collect certain shaped things, it's something that's not too common, I like to collect different coloured rocks from places we've been to, helps me to remember the experiences.

Rain Frances

The Moon photos are beautiful Sallie! I loved the photo of the horse greeting the man!

::: Heidrun

Oh, I know about rebuilding ... and therefore I`m glad that you found time for blogging. The captures of the moon are fantastic.

Thank you for sharing at MosaicMonday.

Hugs by Heidrun ... have a good week.


...I would like that there is a lot of rebuilding going on.

Dina Johnston

Great shots of the new nest. I'm sure it's great seeing it in person even if you can't see the babies yet. Those photographers are probably just waiting for one of the parents to fly in with food. I was amazed at how fast they built that and already have babies. Hope your home is coming along.

William Kendall

That shot with the horse is priceless.

Jennifer Jilks

I saw the moon, but managed to avoid taking a photo. It was so cold.


Glad to read that work is moving along both in your FL home and the eagles nest rebuilding, Sallie. Those moon pics were beautiful and try as I might, I can never get a good image especially as my digital camera doesn't have a long zoom. Kudos to those very patient bird photographers with those long telephoto lenses and nice that the one fellow made a friend in the horse. Thanks for your comments on my recent blog posts. We have finally recovered from the post-holiday colds (nothing more) and today I made another pot of chicken soup! That over-sudsed washing machine was a lucky capture for sure😉


Yes it has been really COLD!!! here in central Florida. Yikes I don't want to go anywhere until it's a little warmer. Last Saturday was too cold for words.

Thanks for the eagle photos and I'm sending warm thoughts and wishes for your rehab success at home.

David Gascoigne

I am quite sure that nature will recover far more quickly than humans, Sallie - and they don't even have De Santis to cause them nightmares!

Lorrie Orr

Eagles are determined creatures and it's lovely to see them rebuilding and starting another family from their favourite tree. Great moon images, Sallie!


I'm so glad to see the eagles' nest returned and the eaglets flourishing. The photo of the horse nuzzling the photographer is so charming.
Here, in Colorado, the avian flu hit domestic chickens very hard and many had to be destroyed. There were fears it was going to decimate the hawk and eagle populations, too. Hoping that does not happen!


the babies are growing i have the web cam on my facebook

Traude "Rostrose"

A heart-shaped moon is really something very special, dear Sallie, but I also really like your other moon pictures! It looks very idyllic with the plants in front of it. And I am particularly happy that the eagle pair and their young are doing well. They seem to be old acquaintances to you, you even know the eagle lady's name and that she has another partner now! In any case, I also consider it a good omen that the reconstruction measures are successful for humans and animals!
I am pleased that you are interested in my Costa Rica travel report 😊 - there are already two new chapters.
All the best from Austria 👋, Traude

Jutta K.

Wunderschön, das Mondherz !
Und auch die Vogelnester begeistern mich, tolle Naturaufnahmen !
Warrm regards

Bob Bushell

Pure intelligent Sallie, excellent pictures.

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