Signpost Forest is a (free) roadside attraction in the town of Watson Lake BC. In 1942, when the Alaska Highway was being built, the US Army Engineers put up a directional post at their camp at this location. The signs pointed to camp facilities and the nearest communities. A homesick private named Carl Lindley added a sign pointing to his home town of Danville Illinois. That started a tradition that is now known as the World Famous Signpost Forest.
According to Watson Lake's website there are now over 72,000 signs. Anyone can add one -- and obviously many tourists do.
The tradition is to bring your own home-town sign, but a few other kinds of signs seem to have snuck in there as well.
We stayed in Watson Lake on our way back to the lower 48. And (only partly) because we'd never heard of this tradition we didn't add a sign -- we just took the ones that were already there (pictures only).
So if you visit Watson Lake, don't forget your sign.
Linking to SIGNS SIGNS (obviously) and GOOD FENCES (stretching a bit, but the meme is about gates too and the top pictures does show the gateway into the Forest.)
Thank you to Lesley for Signs and Theresa (TexWis Girl) at the RunAroundRanch for Good Fences. Visit and link up!!