It feels good to be blogging again. My "digital detox" during July was planned but I really had meant to start again last month. However, when I was ready, my old PC was not. It is so sad when the motherboard dies (and to find out what it costs to repair). So I'm working with a new computer which is lovely, but the program I used to edit my photos (Picassa) is out-dated and unsupported and would not transfer. It feels like I'm starting over, as if I were photo-blogging for the first time, as I really did about 18 years ago. I've been experimenting with editing programs to substitute. None so far are anywhere near as user friendly. Well.., it is said that learning new tricks is good for aging brains. We shall see.
As planned, we arrived at our Oregon home early in July, after mostly uneventful flights (if I remember correctly back that far). And as if Florida wasn't hot enough for us, we made a planned stopover in Arizona on our way home.
This stop was to visit Bill's sister who for several years has lived in the Phoenix area near her children and grandchildren. We hadn't seen Marilyn for a long time and it was good to get together again. It really was extremely hot when we were there and we are all getting older so we spent most of our time visiting in their comfortable family home. I never remember to take pictures of the people we love unless we are all visiting some scenic attraction, so sadly the only photo remembrances of our time in Arizona are a few road-shots as we drove our rental car between our hotel, their home and the airport.
Phoenix AZ
From Phoenix we flew to Eugene where we spent the rest of July catching up with most of the three generations of our family who live here. (Now that we're home, it's four generations when we all get together!). We got our Oregon apartment reorganized, pantry and frig restocked and so forth. That's much easier done here in Oregon than at the Florida Canal Cottage.
In early August we took an in-state trip to celebrate both of our birthdays. I'd planned to get back into the blogging routine when we returned from that trip. Better late than never, so here's the start of that trip.
Our first stop was Ashland, home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
Ashland Oregon
One night we saw Macbeth in the indoor theater and on another, a dramatic performance of Jane Eyre in the outdoor theater (below). We enjoyed both. It was still quite hot here in Southern Oregon and there was some smoke in the air from one of the many forest fires around the state. We received text notification om the afternoon that the outdoor play would be cancelled if the smoke didn't lift. Fortunately, it did and the evening was actually very pleasant.
Outdoor state, Ashland
The white on top of this picture of the stage set is the night sky believe it or not! Even in the outdoor theater we were asked of course not to take pictures, so this was taken before the cast of Jane Eyre hit the stage. It was a suitably Gothic setting for this play.
Downtown Ashland
Ashland is quite a charming mountain town, with many of the shops and restaurants taking advantage of the famous drama festival in their themes and names -- I took this picture from the Festival Square while we were listening to an outdoor concert before the play began. There are live, free music performances there early on every theater evening. It appeared that many local residents also took advantage of the free concerts.
We enjoyed some exploration during the two full days we spent in Ashland and of course we ate! The pictures in the collage above are from the Winery where we had dinner one night -- beautiful place, delicious mostly locally sourced food and good wine.
When we left Ashland, we took the Redwood Highway into Northern California. It's a beautiful drive.
The magnificent and huge trees are hard to photograph though. Its difficult to get the full effect.
It was dusty on a scenic loop off the highway -- we think part of that was probably from the smoke. Fortunately, this area itself was not affected by the summer fires.
Trip to be continued. It's good to be back home in real life and in blogland. We are grateful.
Thank you for visiting and thank you to the hosts of the following sharing opportunities.